Friday, January 9, 2009

Feels like home

I love it when the sun is shining in the house. It's the perfect light for sewing I think. And taking photos of notions and finished projects. I love the triangle and perhaps that's why I love pinking shears so much. They are perfect in every way.
And so I made a foot stool cover to match the couch's cover. My favorite slightly rust/orangey/burnt kind of red. It really brightens up the place. And we need that around here with so few hours of daylight that are usually obscured by a wintry duvet of clouds.

And then it was on to make some new pillows. I love this fabric and would've bought the whole bolt if not for the price tag(30 bucks a meter). I settled with a fluffy white backing for both of them. The little brown ones were a couple of place mats I picked up at Hemtex. They begged me to turn them into pillows. With their cute little pom-poms who could resist?

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